Are you a toxic parent?
💓 Children should always expect from their parents love and care but, what if the parents are toxic? How would you feel? Emotional Abuses or hurtful words can leave marks and memories from the short time to lifetime. Hurt full remarks can come from loved ones such as parents, and the psychological and emotional damage can be detrimental to a lot of people, especially their children. The way parent raise their children and behave around them sets up the basic ground which builds their personality and self-esteem. So, how do you know for parent or caretaker is toxic? Here are eight things toxic parents say that can affect the child's life. 💓 1. Offensive words towards their children ."You're ugly"; "too fat";"too short", or "too skinny" or "you've ugly hair". Degrading a child based on their appearance will likely only increase their physical insecurity and worry about their body image. T...